How to Deal With Burnout at Work

How To Deal With Burnout At Work

It comes when you least expect it. Lack of concentration, constant exhaustion, inability to think clearly, and an overwhelming desire to give up.

Everything seems to be going fine at work. You've just received a promotion or finished a tough project. Why are you feeling as if you can't go on? The answer is simple: you are experiencing burnout.

A Gallup study showed that 23% of full-time employees experience burnout at work. Meanwhile, 44% reported feeling burned out occasionally. How do you deal with burnout? Read on.


What Are the Signs of a Burnout?

It may be tough to identify the first signs of burnout. By paying close attention to the way you feel, you can prevent a disaster before it strikes.

  • Lack of energy - you can't bring yourself to deal with the easiest tasks. Even if you've had a good night's sleep, you feel unrested at work.
  • Irritation – you feel irritated when approached by coworkers. Your responses have become harsh and cynical.
  • No satisfaction – achievements at work don't bring you any satisfaction anymore.
  • Health problems – headaches and stomachaches that come and go without a reason could be your body's way to signal a need for changes.
  • Bad habits – you tend to drink more alcohol, smoke more cigarettes, and binge eat to deal with stress.
  • Poor concentration – you find it hard to concentrate on some of the simplest tasks.

If you are experiencing the first signs of burnout, you should start fighting before it turns into a depression. A smart way out is to gather remnants of your internal resources and follow these steps. Your best doctor is your willpower.

  1. Go on a Vacation

Here is an easy one for you. Stop working. No matter how important the current project is or how mad the boss will be, you have to stop. ASAP. Don't start whining about a fast-approaching deadline or unhappy clients. Burnout is a serious business. If you don't deal with it immediately, you may face consequences, which are much worse than a missed deadline.

Once you take a vacation, stop checking corporate email, answering phone calls or consulting your staff (bosses). You need a complete work-free vacuum. If it means quitting, consider it. 

  1. Channel Your Energy Elsewhere

While you are on your well-deserved vacation, channel your energy toward something completely different from what you do at work. It could be anything from setting up charity events and learning a new language to trying to master Kung Fu or playing guitar.

The goal is to take your mind off work and change the pace. Your brain needs a reboot.

  1. Pamper Yourself

The reason why you are burnt out is the lack of self-care. You've probably been staying up late, eating junk food, and constantly stressing. During your vacation, that should change.

Eat right, sleep eight hours a day, and exercise at least twice a week. Buy yourself a couple of things you've always wanted. The goal is to make yourself feel happy. Even if it seems impossible now, force it.

  1. Meditate

We hope you didn't just scoff at the advice. Even if meditation has always seemed like a waste of time, today, it's your magic pill. It may be hard at first, but eventually, you'll understand how valuable this relaxation technique is. Master it during your vacation and use it to avoid another burnout down the road.

  1. Reconsider

Before getting back to work, make a list of things that frustrate you. Write them down on paper. Come up with at least two ways to avoid facing the same problems again. If that doesn't seem possible, you may need to search for a new job.


Final Thoughts

Feeling burnout at work isn't a rarity. By catching signals early and taking control of the situation, you can prevent serious consequences.