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5 Tips to Bounce Back from Failure

Failure is part of success. Figuring what does not work will help you figure out what does work. For instance, if you wrote a book and the agent rejected it, did they point out any areas that needed improvement? Examine that feedback.

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How to Deal With Burnout at Work

It comes when you least expect it. Lack of concentration, constant exhaustion, inability to think clearly, and an overwhelming desire to give up.     Everything seems to be going fine at work. You've just received a promotion or finished a tough project. Why are you feeling as if you can't go on? The answer is simple: you are experiencing burnout.    

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5 Excellent Meditation Apps I've Tried in 2020

In this day and age, it's always one thing after another. Life is hectic: your coworker demands your energy constantly and all you crave is some time alone to rejuvenate and relax or maybe spend some well-deserved time with your friends and family. Although it seems impossible to relax your mind because it's constantly preoccupied with your to-do list, it actually is doable. I have put together a list of five of my favorite meditation apps to help you get started. Adding a smidgen of mindfulness to your day will truly make a world of difference.

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